Children’s Health: One of the biggest stressors on parents is a child that gets sick frequently or has behavioural issues.

In this time poor world of today with pressure on parents to work, taking time off work to take your child to doctor or specialist appointments, or stay at home to care for your child when they are sick, possibly with a loss of income, adds to your daily stress. Add to that worrying about your child’s health, loss of sleep when they are sick or dealing with the stress of constant behavioural issues, puts enormous pressure on you and your family.

It is normal for your child to get sick a few times a year. However, it is not normal for them to be sick frequently, take a long time to recover and have ongoing recovery issues, like a persistent cough, asthma or runny nose.

A healthy and happy child is an investment in their future and in your peace of mind. A healthy diet, a good tummy, adequate sleep and a balanced immune system are the cornerstones on which to build children’s health and wellbeing.

 The Critical First 1000 Days of a Child’s Development

Children's Health